Empowering the Next Generation: Beyond Curriculum to Creativity

How education needs to adapt to empower kids to craft their future

Akasha Rose


We often hear the phrase “Children are the future.” While this is true, a deeper truth is that children will be tasked with crafting that future.

However, as the world evolves, our educational system, in many ways, remains stagnant. If we genuinely wish to prepare children for a rapidly changing future, it’s imperative to acknowledge that the current education system requires not just an update, but a transformation.

Relevance of Today’s Education

Most educational institutions still focus on a traditional curriculum, emphasizing rote learning and historical perspectives.

While understanding the human and natural world is essential, merely consuming information about the past is no longer sufficient in an age where information is available at our fingertips.

What’s lacking in many curricula is the nurturing of independent thinking, creativity, and problem-solving — skills vital for crafting and mastering an unpredictable future.

The Inadequacy of Current Skill Sets

Today’s typical education might provide foundational knowledge, but it often fails to arm students with the adaptive skills required for jobs that might not even exist yet. When I went to school there were no mobile phones — and my youngest still has trouble believing that their eldest sibling grew up without an iPad. You might not believe me, but I learnt to type on a type writer, and I had a hard time explaining to my youngest the other day what that even was! (A box, where you pressed letters, and it pulled the paper through, was my closest go.)

The real opportunity our children are craving is the skills and abilities to help them evolve with the times, master emerging tools, and even create new ones.

Enter Kabuni SPACE: a bridge to the future. It’s an initiative that understands this gaping need and works in tandem with schools and learning spaces.

In partnership with schools and learning establishments, Kabuni SPACE provides children with a real-world, daily learning experience that is relevant to the technological world they will inherit. This program serves as an incubator for the skills and knowledge that tomorrow’s professions will demand. If you’re as passionate about preparing the next generation as I am, I urge you to follow Kabuni’s ongoing journey.

By providing hands-on experiences with advanced technology and fostering environments that encourage innovative thinking, Kabuni SPACE ensures children get an education relevant to the world they will inherit.

Let’s reimagine the learning required for some anticipated future professions:

  1. Paramedic Drone Programmer
    Role: Leveraging AI expertise combined with medical knowledge to program drones that assist emergency rescue teams. Education: Deep understanding of AI, robotics, and basic medical training.
  2. Smart-assisted Sports Coach
    Role: Use data and AI to measure player performance, predict outcomes, and adjust tactics accordingly. Education: Sports science combined with data analytics and artificial intelligence.
  3. Zero Carbon Transport Planner
    Role: Design and implement driverless public transport networks that are eco-friendly. Education: Urban planning, environmental science, and autonomous vehicle technology.
  4. Augmented Learning Technician
    Role: Use AI and augmented reality to develop cutting-edge educational tools for teachers and their lessons. Education: Expertise in AR, VR, and AI with a foundation in pedagogical strategies.
  5. Agricultural AI Engineer
    Role: Farm sustainable foods, like synthetic meats and insects, more efficiently using AI. Education: Agricultural science, biotechnology, and AI specialization.
  6. AI Creative Skills Producer
    Role: Assist creators in enhancing their music and art by analyzing and implementing popular trends using AI. Education: Fine arts, music theory, and AI.
  7. Tech Fashion Designer
    Role: Develop next-gen sustainable smart clothing and wearables that can adapt to external factors like weather. Education: Fashion design, materials science, and tech integration.
  8. Community Care Technician
    Role: Use AI to identify individuals experiencing loneliness in the community, thereby directing care workers to those most in need. Education: Social work, psychology, and AI.
  9. AI Speech Coach
    Role: Aid voice assistants and visual avatars in becoming more realistic and responsive. Education: Linguistics, computer science, and AI.
  10. Smart-assisted Sports Coach
    Role: Similar to the earlier mention, these coaches will tap into the vast potentials of AI for improved sports performance and strategy.

… and the list goes on.

If we wait until they are adults to prepare them for these careers, it will be too late. Today’s children need the right education now to ensure they have the adaptive skills and knowledge for the careers they want to create.

Consuming information is no longer the end game (if it ever was); creating, adapting, and innovating is. What children need are the tools to invent and reinvent their world.

In conclusion, we owe it to our children to overhaul an outdated education model and usher in an era where learning is dynamic, relevant, and future-forward.

As we anticipate the roles of the future, let’s ensure our children aren’t just prepared to fill them but are empowered to create them. After all, the best way to predict the future is to empower our children to create it.

Akasha Rose is Community Lead at Kabuni.

About Kabuni:

Kabuni is not just another educational platform; it’s an education movement. At the intersection of VR, spatial design, and AI in the metaverse, Kabuni pushes the ‘learn to earn’ boundaries. We aim to morph traditional classrooms into decentralized VR spaces where educators and learners co-create, collaborate, and thrive. With Kabuni, learning becomes an adventure, and every adventure has its rewards.

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Akasha Rose
Editor for

Innovative marketing strategist with a zest for blockchain, community building, & storytelling. Explore my insights on tech, leadership, & creative narratives.